Following Kolmogorov's (1941) important theory of local isotropy and sim- ilarity hypotheses regarding turbulent velocity fine-structure, and in fact his own along with Obukhov's (1948) theory for fine-scale scalar fields (Corrsin, 1951b), Corrsin became interested in the intermittent behavior and the ge- ometric properties of fine-scale turbulence.
Measurements by Batchelor and Townsend (1949) indicated that the fine-structures were strongly intermittent, localized in relatively small regions which were distributed somewhat ran- domly in space.
Corrsin (1962c) used a simple phenomenological model and some exist- ing data to suggest that the fine-structure was distributed into thin sheets, with thickness on the order of the Kolmogorov scale, and separation distance of the order of the integral scale.
On the other hand, Tennekes (1968) suggested the fine-structure was distributed as vortex tubes, with diameters of the order of the Taylor scale ?.
They found that there was a decrease in the relative fluid volume occupied by fine-structure of a given size as the turbulence Reynolds number R?
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